
Friday, 29 April 2011


公测∶ 07 Apr 2011
~ Facebook Game ~

2011年最给力、最疯狂的网页游戏《热血球球》!由球坛巨星「马拉多纳」豪情代言~再度掀起全球足球热潮! 《热血球球》是一款融入比赛、养成、收集、强化、竞猜为一体的网游。突破性的 2.5D 比赛直播。更扯的是...强化竟然不用钱! 4月公测之旅~ 试玩30秒便知真与假!

《热血球球》是一款集比赛、养成、收集、强化、竞猜为一体的网页游戏。突破性的2.5D比赛直播,全球独一无二。场上球星卡通形象栩栩如生,动作流畅,技 能华丽、震撼,比赛激动人心。操作简单,玩点多,竞技性强,是一款球迷必玩的游戏。




“球场争锋 一决高下” 
如何组织一个球队? 如何挺身而出赢取世界杯的最高荣耀? 

球员卡是以等级区分– 青-紫-黑-橙-金颜色区分也相对球员素质高低~ 
例如: 橙卡欧文(Owen)进攻78 但金色的就超过100了哦~

news via:


Unpleasant Horse released

  • Updated: Apr 27, 2011
  • Current Version: 1.0.1
  • Requirements: Compatible with iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad. Requires iOS 3.2.2 or later

Unpleasant Horse is now available for FREE via the Apple App Store! 
Enjoy the unpleasantness!

for more information, pls goto 

Bomber Web

Release Date: Mar/Apr 2011
Games Category: Facebook Game

BomberWeb is a cute casual combat web-based game.

BomberWeb has captivating images, enchanting fairy tale scenes and fashionable costumes which makes it an enthralling game to explore.

Topped up with magnificent special effects, skill challenges and an interesting gadget system, you would be immersed in fun for hours!

Try out various kinds of weapons to play with other players in the game.

The simple keyboard controls allow you to enjoy an action-packed game experience with unlimited amusement and interaction.



当和其他玩家对打时, 可以尝试各种不同的武器


Newbie Guide:




Wednesday, 27 April 2011

L.A. Noire

Release Date: 17 May 2011 
Video Game Consoles: X360, PS3
Genre: Adventure

L.A. Noire is the latest from Rockstar Games, developed primarily by Team Bondi, a small Australian company. It's really different from anything else Rockstar has made. 

What's the gameplay like? 

It's really an old-school adventure game, where you search for clues at crime scenes and then interrogate witnesses and suspects until you figure out who committed the crime. 

From your start on the Patrol Desk in the LAPD, you work your way up through Traffic, Homicide, Vice, and Arson as you successfully solve cases along the way. Every case has "only one truth," so it's up to you to find the best route to get it. 

How do interrogations work? 

L.A. Noire features some pretty hot tech called MotionScan, which perfectly recreates the facial animations -- even the eye movements -- of actors. Your job is to read the character's face and mannerisms and figure out if they are telling the truth, holding something back, or flat out lying. 

Given a button to decide if the suspect is telling the truth, lying, or if you doubt them, you'll then lock or unlock options as to how to proceed based on your success. Wrongly accuse someone and you may no longer be able to utilize their information to finish the case. 

Is there multiplayer? 

Nope. Not unless Rockstar is holding something back and waiting to surprise us. Multiplayer doesn't fit L.A. Noire. You won't miss it. 

Are there any differences between systems or version? 

Actually, yes there are. If you purchase the game on Playstation 3, you'll have access to an additional Traffic case called "Consul's Car" that isn't available on Xbox. 

How's it looking? 
It's really, really different and that's pretty exciting, but it's hard to say how the adventure elements will play out. If interrogations feel dynamic and not frustrating, L.A. Noire will be something special. 

The MotionScan technology really captures the actors portraying the roles and you'll quite literally recognize some familiar faces throughout the game that you've seen in movies and on television.

这真是一个老派的冒险游戏,在那里你会在犯罪现场寻找线索,然后询问证人和嫌疑人搜索,直到你找出谁犯了罪。 从您在洛杉矶警察局巡逻台开始,你的工作范围包含交通,凶杀,罪行,和纵火方式。您須成功地解决沿途的案件。每个案件有“真理只有一个,”所以就看你如何找到最佳途径得到它。 

L.A. Noire拥有一些很热门高科技功能称为MotionScan,完美地再现了面部动画 - 甚至是演员的眼球动作。你的任务是读取人物的脸部和举止。

不行。不,除非Rockstar暗地进行一些“惊讶”给我们。多人游戏不适合L.A. Noire。你不会错过它。 

其实,是有。如果您购买PlayStation 3的游戏,你将有机会获得一个额外的交通案例称为“领事的汽车”,不提供在Xbox。 
L.A. Noire真的与众不同,这是十分令人兴奋的,但很难解释冒险元素是如何发挥出来。如果审讯是感到充满活力和不沮丧,L.A. Noire将是特别的游戏。 


Tuesday, 26 April 2011

Unpleasant Horse

will launch on the iOS App Store later this month.
Platform: iOS
Genre: Sidescroller,Platformer

Unpleasant Horse is an upcoming iOS sidescroller platformer video game in development by 4th and Battery, a subsidiary of Popcap Games.

A Brief Explanation:
The protagonist of the game is a ~~black horse with wings~~
1. User must direct across the level by having the horse bounce on clouds, and on the backs of white horses
2. This causes the white horses to fall onto meat grinders at the bottom of the level; if the user misdirects the black horse when trying to hit a cloud or a white horse, then the black horse itself falls onto the meat grinders.

The game is complete, and was believed to be rejected from the App Store for "mature content" on April 7, 2011 due to a miscommunication. In reality, it was in still undergoing review.

据海外媒体报道,宝开(Popcap)新成立的4th & Battery工作室推出的首款作品《Unpleasant Horse》未能通过苹果方面的审核,没有获得在苹果软件商店中的上架资格。宝开给4th & Battery工作室的定位是开发一些成本低廉、风格独特、具有创新价值和试验意义的小游戏。于是4th & Battery工作室推出了他们的首款作品《Unpleasant Horse(讨厌的马)》,玩家在游戏中要控制一匹长着翅膀会飞的邪恶天马,去消灭空中的小鸟和压迫地上的其它马匹,风格偏向黑暗——这与宝开一贯阳光大众的企业形象离经叛道。via:


Monday, 25 April 2011

EA SPORTS™ PGA TOUR® Golf Challenge

EA SPORTS™ PGA TOUR® Golf Challenge now arrives on Facebook

Genres: Sports

EA SPORTS PGA TOUR Golf Challenge is the first real-time 3D golf game on Facebook.
Participants will play rounds of golf to earn XP and level up through their career to unlock clubs/gear and world famous golf courses such as TPC Sawgrass and Pebble Beach Golf Links.
Along the way, players will also face daily challenges to compete against their friends to become the top ranked golfer on Facebook!
Game Features:
  • One-Click Swing – never worry about hitting the sweet spot
  • Play quick, daily challenges versus friends on Facebook to earn XP and level up
  • Ability to customize golfer with new clubs/gear from Pro Shop, train daily and then hit the links to earn XP and level up in your career.  Unlock new courses and items in the Pro Shop as your golfer’s XP level increases
  • Legendary courses, such as Pebble Beach Golf Links, St. Andrews (The Old Course), TPC Sawgrass and more!



《钓鱼派对》~ Facebook Game

是款可以轻松上手的Facebook 网页游戏,整个游戏围绕在钓场环境、鱼饵分类、鱼种、鱼儿上钩状况等设计,目前共有8 种钓鱼场景可挑战,而且不只钓起来的鱼种不一样,还多了益智的部分。玩家钓到鱼之后,还可以布置自己的鱼缸,甚至可以替自己的鱼儿取名如果不小心在「享乐沙滩」钓起海草时别灰心,因为玩家将可把带海草回家布置鱼缸或是送给朋友。




仙剑Online 2.0

--终极幻化 --生死之战 --最强之争--



配丰富的奖励、限量的珍贵游戏虚宝,都在等待您来赢取。主办单位更破天荒准备三份超级惊喜—iPad 2,只待有缘人过关斩将,顺利赢走大礼!


活动名称: 《仙剑OL》线上冲级赛
活动日期:26/4/2011 (从开服时间开始计算)至18/5/2011(午夜12时 GMT+8) 
活动截止:18/5/2011 (午夜12时, 0000 GMT+8, 以服务器时间为准)
伺服器 :【云天河】

1. 此项赛事没有任何游戏方面的限制。到了活动期限之时,系统会自动整理当前伺服器的玩家等级。(一切将以系统计算为准)
2. 在最终评选中,若出现相同等级的玩家,将会以当前拥有经验值分出获胜玩家。(一切将以系统计算为准)
3. 参赛玩家无需进行任何额外的注册手续。只要是活动期间内所注册的游戏账号,系统都会自动将之列入参赛者名单内。
4. 此赛事不会因任何原因(如:下载不到游戏、更新不到游戏、游戏进行维护)而延迟活动期限。
5. 《仙剑OL》营运团保有更改此赛事条例的权利。若有任何争议,最终权利归《仙剑OL》营运团所有。
6. 此赛事的最终结果将会公布在《仙剑OL》官方网站上。

iPad 2 Wifi + 3G(32gb) x1 + (葛天囊x1, 御空符x20, 凤凰血x20, 苍龙柜x1, 引一丹x20, 彩晶指环x1, 盈月玉珮x1, 利金卷100 x2, 逍遥御灵元神x1, 腾云剑战骑(永久)(绑定) x1)

iPad 2 Wifi + 3G(16gb) x1 + (葛天囊x1, 御空符x20, 凤凰血x20, 苍龙柜x1, 引一丹x10, 彩晶指环x1, 盈月玉珮x1, 利金卷100 x1, 灵儿御灵元神x1, 朱雀神兽战骑(永久)(绑定) x1)

iPad 2 Wifi(16gb) x1 + (葛天囊x1, 御空符x20, 凤凰血x10, 苍龙柜x1, 引一丹x10, 彩晶指环x1, 盈月玉珮x1, 利金卷50 x1, 月如御灵元神x1, 青龙神兽战骑(永久)(绑定) x1)

第4 - 10名
(葛天囊x1, 御空符x20, 凤凰血x10, 苍龙柜x1, 引一丹x10, 彩晶指环x1, 盈月玉珮x1, 阿奴御灵元神x1, 白虎神兽战骑(永久)(绑定) x1)

第11 - 20名
(葛天囊x1, 御空符x10, 凤凰血x10, 苍龙柜x1, 引一丹x10, 天鬼皇御灵元神x1, 玄武神兽战骑(永久)(绑定) x1)

第21 - 30名
(葛天囊x1, 御空符x5, 凤凰血x5, 苍龙柜x1, 天闕灵猴御灵元神x1, 暗黑麒麟战骑(永久)(绑定) x1) 


Sunday, 24 April 2011

The Seventh Dragon II

Open Beta launched on: 22 Apr 2011
 Games Category: Web Game
 "The Seventh Dragon II" is a web game on war strategy with the core line of hero’s development & alliance formation. It consists of two game elements: RPG (role playing game) and SLG (strategy led game). Over beautiful mountains on the Gallia Mainland, the war seems endless with rage of external monsters, and hence people live in hard times. 
You are expected to lead a group of heroes with your intelligence and wisdom to bring permanent peace to this continent where sword and magic, ancient dragon and rich treasures co-exist...

There are 6 races in Ashan Mainland, which are:
:Master of siege weapons, boast the most powerful physical attack.
Forest Elf
:Adorer of the nature, boast the fastest moving speed and the most flexible unit :movement ability.
:Most economical type of all six races, boast the amazing units with lower recruitment price but faster recovery.
Dark Elf
:Average in every aspact with fast moving speed and high critical chance.
:Typical defence race, boast amazing hit points and defence.
:Blessed with powerful magic attack and domination ability. 

Hero Growth:
 Heroes play an important roles in game. Therefore, it is important for player to train a powerful hero since the hero can be deploy to perform different actions, include: attack, hunt, gather and explore. Mount and pet can provide bonus stats for their heroes. The attributes of hero will provide additional bonus to its leading army units.

Alliance System:
The alliance can select coordinate on the map to build Alliance Fort with "Alliance Building Blueprint". Alliance Buildings provide some scrolls and other functions for members. Alliance Fort consumes respective Alliance resources daily. Alliance technology level drops if debts incurred exceed 3 times. Furthermore, alliance can participate as a unit in Alliance Arena to fight against other alliance. 



新马版火爆启动@ 20 April 2011












  10. 趣味的阵法系统
更多特点详情 @


Saturday, 23 April 2011

NASCAR The Game 2011

Release Date: March 2011
Video Game Consoles: X360, PS3 & Wii

NASCAR The Game 2011 completely redefines what fans can expect from a NASCAR racing game. Players can choose to play as themselves or as one of the sport's real-world drivers as they battle it out for the NASCAR Sprint Cup Series Championship. 
Each pro driver has the AI characteristics of his or her real world counterpart, setting the stage for intense rivalries played out on the track. From the 22 real world tracks to full pit stop strategy action, NASCAR The Game 2011 captures the real atmosphere, sense of speed and spectacle that embodies NASCAR. 
Players can even feel the thrill of a win with the interactive celebration mode. The game also includes multiplayer modes which allow up to 16 players to battle it out for the win online. In both online and offline races, players earn NASCAR experience points which help unlock rewards such as decal packs or special car designs, as well as career sponsorships and special races throughout career mode. Everything you do on the track counts.


Special Force

Released: Apr 06, 2011
Category: PC Online Games

ATTN: Soldiers 

Special Force is a free-to-play 3D tactical military-themed online FPS where players can personalize their own soldier by choosing from genuine elite military units from various nations such as the German GSG-9, American Delta Force and Russian Spetsnaz; and customising their overall appearances with an assortment of gear and military accoutrements.


1.Various Mode 
supports Single Battle, Team Battle, Team Deathmatch and Captain modes. 

2.Team Play 
 3.Realistic Weapons 

4. Customizable Characters and Equipment Setup 
create own unique setup through combanations of more than 40 Special Force weapons and items.

5.Dynamic Shooting Sensation
provide a dynamic and exciting shooting sensation. The addition of a high-defination sound system using the Miles Audio increases the realism of the gameplay.

6.Radio Message
messages can be sent to your team easily and effectively to establish plans and act in unison

