
Tuesday 26 April 2011

Unpleasant Horse

will launch on the iOS App Store later this month.
Platform: iOS
Genre: Sidescroller,Platformer

Unpleasant Horse is an upcoming iOS sidescroller platformer video game in development by 4th and Battery, a subsidiary of Popcap Games.

A Brief Explanation:
The protagonist of the game is a ~~black horse with wings~~
1. User must direct across the level by having the horse bounce on clouds, and on the backs of white horses
2. This causes the white horses to fall onto meat grinders at the bottom of the level; if the user misdirects the black horse when trying to hit a cloud or a white horse, then the black horse itself falls onto the meat grinders.

The game is complete, and was believed to be rejected from the App Store for "mature content" on April 7, 2011 due to a miscommunication. In reality, it was in still undergoing review.

据海外媒体报道,宝开(Popcap)新成立的4th & Battery工作室推出的首款作品《Unpleasant Horse》未能通过苹果方面的审核,没有获得在苹果软件商店中的上架资格。宝开给4th & Battery工作室的定位是开发一些成本低廉、风格独特、具有创新价值和试验意义的小游戏。于是4th & Battery工作室推出了他们的首款作品《Unpleasant Horse(讨厌的马)》,玩家在游戏中要控制一匹长着翅膀会飞的邪恶天马,去消灭空中的小鸟和压迫地上的其它马匹,风格偏向黑暗——这与宝开一贯阳光大众的企业形象离经叛道。via:


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