
Monday, 4 July 2011

玄武傳奇 XW Online

Release Date:
To Be Confirmed (Coming soon)
Game Categories:  3D MMORPG

 一個無分國界的江湖 — 玄武傳奇 Online

Asiasoft Online 在2011年所代理的全3D武俠玄幻風格多人在線遊戲《玄武傳奇 Online》由華人圈知名遊戲公司昱泉國際歷經三年開發完成。《玄武傳奇 Online》將採用生動的小說故事、 走古典武俠風格,融合新科技與奇幻元素。此外,遊戲中咫天鏡的設計,將扮演引路者角色帶領玩家穿梭天道輪迴陰陽流轉的元魔界門,遊走在仙、人、魔共存的奇 幻江湖武林世界中,致力於三大世家、七大門派、八大散門、十二玄盟的強大勢力間創造自己的絕世傳奇。

XW Online - A Martial Arts World Without Borders

XW Online is the latest 3D martial arts MMORPG, published by Asiasoft Online in 2011. Created by renown game developer InterServ International Inc., XW Online is a masterpiece that took almost three years to complete. XW Online adopts popular console-style game play and combines new technology with fantasy elements, allowing players to immerse themselves in a classic martial arts storyline and an enjoyable, all-rounded gaming experience.
The key element of the XW Online gamelay is the magic mirror. It acts as a link to the game’s entire storyline, guiding players as they embark on their quests that span across the three magical realms of Heaven, Mortal and Demon. In this fantasy world of XW Online, players can pledge their allegiances to the three great martial arts families, seven top sects, eight power clans and the 12 Union to create their own legendary tales.


看到電影中武林高手的精彩對決,是不是有些心動呢?《玄武傳奇 Online》充滿動作感的招式,讓玩家化身為身懷絕技的武林高手,從此身手不凡。那麼,這些動作是怎樣製作 出來的呢?這裡就要提到一個“動態捕捉”技術,使用了這個技術之後,就能將真人的動作表演轉化成為遊戲中角色的動作,讓每一個角色的動作看起來自然真實, 充滿打鬥感。

Create your personalised pugilist

Are you moved by the exciting duels featured in martial arts movies? XW Online is packed with heart-stopping martial arts action, and players get to chance to become highly skilled pugilists in the game. So, how were these martial arts movements created and immortalized into the game? It is though an advanced “movement capture” technique, where motions of a real persons are captured and replicated into in-game actions, in turn creating real-life and natural martial arts movement with every strike. 

遊戲特色 Game Features:

  • 獨特連斬,越戰越爽不罷休

    Unique combo system - The more you kill, the greater the enjoyment!
    Refreshing chain-combo system! The longer your combo chain, the more rewards you get!Experience the ultimate combat experience as you strive to hit the highest combo!

  • 操之在己,武學心法自由點

    Unique Skill Tree System - Customize skills for the strongest build!
    After class selection, you are free to allocate the Talent Points to create the ideal hero that you want to be. Exercise creativity and allocate your Talent Points intelligently to build the strongest character in the game!

  • 行雲流水,雙招式自換武器

    Equip and change your weapons automatically
    Each class has 3 types of weapon control for their respective skills. In XW Online, execution of skills will not be restricted by the weapon you wield. Weapons will change automatically, based on the skill that you decide to use.

  • 公主相伴,天命之路鏡中緣

    Every warrior deserves the encouragement of a lovely princess!
    During game play, a princess will be your constant companion throughout your journey in XW Online. Find out more about the mystical story of XW Online as you embark on your journey. Enjoy role-playing at its best!

  • 湖光山色,細緻畫面全展現

    Scenic Maps and Landscapes
    Enjoy stunning, high fidelity graphical displays that showcase the scenic maps of XW Online as you battle and level up in the game!

  • 絕世輕功,飛簷走壁逍遙遊

    Experience the power and convenience of “Sprint”. Be unbridled by boundaries!
    In XW Online, you can sprint and do a double jumps. Transverse over buildings that are in your way through their rooftops and cross mountainous terrain with ease. Traveling is so much faster in the world of XW Online!



Game Trailer


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