
Monday 9 May 2011

Diablo 3 beta News

Diablo 3 beta in Q3; Blizzard hoping to launch full game in 2011 but “will not compromise on quality”

Mike Morheime has clarified what’s going on with the launch date.Blizzard games are like buses: you wait for ages, and then two turn up at once. In their ongoing investor call, Activision-Blizzard hinted that Diablo 3 might be ready for 2011, but that they wouldn’t rush the game out to hit a deadline.”
Mike said that ‘the game does not have a launch date. We’re working very hard to try and release it this year, but we will not compromise on quality.’ He also confirmed that the Diablo 3 beta will hit in the third quarter of 2011. Squee!
During Activision’s financial predictions, they carefully noted that the predictions were based around ‘not expecting a Blizzard game in 2011′. But the company pointed out that if their prediction were to come true, ‘we’d expect two Blizzard titles in 2012.
If we had our betting hats on, that would put the Diablo 3 release date as early 2012, with a new World of Warcraft expansion hitting late 2012, and Heart of the Swarm landing in 2013.

<Diablo III>beta测试今秋启动

Activision首席财务官Thomas Tippl在公司财报解读会上称,他并不指望今年能有暴雪新作面市,但2012日历年会有"至少"两款暴雪游戏上市销售。
暴雪首席执行官Mike Morhaime则表示《Diablo III》的beta公测安排在今年第三季,内测则在上周就已开始。

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